Market monitors
ICCT-Monitor 2023: Ist der Übergang von Verbrenner- zu Elektro-Pkw sozial gerecht?
Der ICCT-Monitor „Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe“ analysiert die Entwicklung des Pkw-Markts in Deutschland aus sozialer Sicht.
Market Monitor: European car and van market and charging infrastructure development quarterly: January 2023 – June 2023
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union.
Market monitor: European vehicle market and charging Infrastructure development, January–March 2023
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union
Market monitor: European passenger car and light-commercial vehicle registrations, January–December 2022
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union
Market monitor: European passenger car and light-commercial vehicle registrations, January–September 2022
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union
Market monitor: European passenger car and light commercial vehicle registrations, January–July 2022
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union
Market monitor: European passenger car and light commercial vehicle registrations, January–March 2022
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union
Markt monitor: Fahrzeug-Neuzulassungen in Deutschland, Januar–Dezember 2021
Überblick zu Neuzulassungen und CO2-Emissionen von Pkw in Deutschland.
Market monitor: European passenger car and light commercial vehicle registrations, January–December 2021
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union
Market monitor: European passenger car and light commercial vehicle registrations, January–November 2021
Snapshot of the conventional and electric vehicle market in the European Union.